Certification & Training

Housing Choice Voucher Occupancy, Eligibility, Income, and Rent Calculation (HCVOEIR)


This training will provide participants with an understanding of the vast regulatory guidance that has formed and shaped the Housing Choice Voucher program. It covers the HCV program from start to end and everything in between. The nuts and bolts of dealing with eligibility, income, and rent calculations will be practiced through engaging participants in skill development and practice. Most importantly, this class will equip participants with the necessary skills to maintain program compliance, reduce errors and avoid HUD findings in compliance audits. 


After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • Determine eligibility and annual income for applicants and participant families
  • Position families on the waiting list and admit qualified families
  • Apply the tenant selection, reexamination, housing search process, portability, termination, and hearing process properly and in accordance to regulations and your agency’s Administrative Plan
  • Verify eligibility, income, and rent information
  • Conduct briefings and include required information in briefing packets
  • Ensure staff carry out the required policies within the Administrative Plan
  • Calculate rents and apply allowances
  • Apply correct payment standards and utility allowances
  • Use correct reporting codes to HUD via 50058
  • Uphold the HCV program and regulations to the highest standards

Who Should Attend?

  • Front line staff
  • Case Managers
  • Supervisors responsible for managing wait lists, applications, and certification/recertification tasks
In-Person or
Virtual Classroom
In-Person: 5 Days
Online: 30 Hours