A Record-Breaking 2024 August Advocacy Campaign

NAHRO advocates,
We did it. YOU did it! Together, we soared high above our ambitious August Advocacy goals for the year.
We asked for 50,000 letters? You delivered more than 140,000.
We wanted 2,500 individual advocates? More than 10,000 of you stepped up, and reached out to the White House and 416 members of Congress.
Want to see what collective impact looks like?
Over the past six weeks, we raised our voices together – all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The President and our members of Congress heard us ask them to fully fund HUD programs in 2025, to fund and improve housing vouchers, to support and preserve public housing, to invest in community development and the housing supply, and to address increases in homelessness. They listened. And together, we will make sure that they keep listening to us.
NAHRO nation, this amazing August Advocacy turnout is just the beginning. Over the next few months, your NAHRO staff and leaders will keep up the drumbeat at HUD and on Capitol Hill. We’ll use your letters, your stories, your successes to underscore the vital work you do in communities all across the country, and the resources and regulatory relief we need for that work. And next March, at our 2025 Washington Conference, we’ll engage with a new President and a new Congress, and demand that they give us the tools we need to help alleviate the nation’s affordable housing crisis.
While we still have a lot of work before us, we hope you’ll take some time to celebrate our shared achievements and get ready for the next steps.
Thank you, Legislative Network, for spearheading our August Advocacy efforts! Thank you, NAHRO advocates, for the incomparable work you do. You have demonstrated our theme of being intentional and collaborative and to ensure that we have this type of collective impact.
George Guy, NAHRO President
Sean Gilbert, NAHRO Senior Vice President
Mark Thiele, NAHRO CEO
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