Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing in Vibrant Communities  

  • Provide adequate funding for the HOME Investments Partnership Program, Community Development Block Grants, and Homeless Assistance Grants.
  • Increase project-basing flexibilities by allowing PHAs to project-base up to 50 percent of their portfolio to ensure affordable housing units are built and preserved in high-cost markets where unit scarcity may impact tenant-based voucher lease-ups.
  • Strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) by permanently increasing the allocation by 50 percent and lowering the “50 Percent Test” to 25 percent.
  • Exclude federally-assisted housing from the Private Activity Bond Cap so additional bonds can be used to promote public housing preservation.
  • Refine the Opportunity Zone program by providing additional incentives to encourage investment of Opportunity Funds in areas with the greatest need, and enhance the program’s effectiveness through strategic alignment with existing programs.