HCV Occupancy, Eligibility, Income, and Rent Calculation


Discover the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, a federal initiative aiding over 2.3 million American families the nation's largest rental assistance program. Join us to delve into key programmatic areas: Eligibility, Income, Rent Calculation, and Occupancy. Tailored for new HCV eligibility workers, this foundational training ensures a comprehensive grasp of regulatory guidance governing the program. Explore […]

Procurement and Contract Management


Maintaining a procurement program that complies state law and federal regulations can be challenging. It requires an understanding of the regulations, laws and agency policies as well how to manage contracts awarded by the agency. This training will cover procurement standards, methods of procurement, HUD required regulatory documents, types of contracts, roles and responsibilities of […]

Commissioners’ Fundamentals


This training will provide you with a strong foundation for your work as a housing commissioner. The commissioner’s role is complex and can be daunting at times. We hope you will join us as we explore the roles and responsibilities of housing commissioners. Participants will also discover that the commissioner role is multi-faceted; commissioners are […]

HOTMA: An In-Depth Review of Programmatic Changes


The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act (HOTMA) has made a myriad of changes to the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Public Housing.  This class will view HOTMA from the lens of how it affects different program aspects from a micro and macro level. We will review the optional and required policy decisions PHA’s will need […]

Excellence in Customer Service


Customer service is a primary factor in whether an agency or business meets its strategic goals and embodies its mission. Effective communication improves relationships and satisfaction with clients, but also improves workplace morale, culture and agency outcomes. This training focuses on a paradigm shift in customer service in the housing industry and provides the skills […]

Public Housing Occupancy, Eligibility, Income, and Rent Calculation (PHOEIR)


Embark on a journey through the Public Housing (PH) program, a federal initiative supporting over 2.3 million American families—a cornerstone in low-income housing assistance. Join us to delve into program essentials: selection, occupancy, eligibility, income, and rent calculation. Tailored for new or newer eligibility workers, this foundational training ensures a comprehensive grasp of regulatory guidance shaping the […]

HOTMA: Policy Impact and Analysis Workshop


The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act (HOTMA) has made a myriad of changes to the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Public Housing. This course focuses on the policy changes and impacts that HOTMA will have on the agency administrative plan/ACOP. We will be covering only the program changes and how they impact your program and […]

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)


The Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program is an amazing program designed to enable PHA participants to achieve economic independence by leveraging public and private resources. In this training we will view the program from all perspectives starting from the regulations that are the foundation of the program and the Action Plan, which provides the administrative […]

Housing Choice Voucher Occupancy, Eligibility, Income and Rent Calculation (HCVOEIR)


Discover the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, a federal initiative aiding over 2.3 million American families the nation's largest rental assistance program. Join us to delve into key programmatic areas: Eligibility, Income, Rent Calculation, and Occupancy. Tailored for new HCV eligibility workers, this foundational training ensures a comprehensive grasp of regulatory guidance governing the program. Explore […]