Advocacy & Policy


This page summarizes our past coverage and analysis of the appropriations process.
[Brackets] and emphasized text indicate set-asides/sub-accounts.

FY 2025 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs
($ Millions)
FY 2023 EnactedFY 2024 EnactedFY 2025 ProposedFY 2025 NAHROFY 2025 HouseFY 2025 SenateFY 2025 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund$5,109$5,476$5,050$5,838$5,097
Public Housing Operating Fund Shortfall$25$25$178$377$25
Public Housing Capital Fund$3,200$3,200$3,200$5,000$3,047
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency$35$40$35$40$35
Emergency Capital Needs$50$30$30$135$30
Jobs Plus Initiative$15$15$15$15$15
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$350$75$140$150
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals$26,402$28,491$29,251$30,617$28,500
Administrative Fees$2,778$2,771$2,964$3,217$2,771
Incremental Voucher Assistance$50$241$241
Mobility Related Services
Tenant Protection Vouchers$337$337$300$500$300
HUD-VASH Tribal$8$8$5$8
FUP Vouchers$30$302
Section 811 Mainstream Vouchers$607$7433$788$701
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$125$141$125$200$125
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$14,907$16,010$16,686$16,686$16,595
Community Development Block Grant$3,300$3,300$2,845$4,200$3,300
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,500$1,250$1,250$2,500$500
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$499$505$505$505$505
Homeless Assistance Grants$3,633$4,051$4,060$4,060$4,060


  1. The President’s budget includes $13 billion in mandatory spending for veterans with extremely low incomes
  2. The President’s budget includes $9 billion in mandatory spending for youth aging out of foster care
  3. The President’s budget no longer lists a Mainstream vouchers account, but instead combines general Mainstream voucher HAP with the regular HAP renewals account and the Mainstream administrative fees with the administrative fee account. 

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2025 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2024 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2025 President’s Proposed Budget

FY 2024 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs
($ Millions)
FY 2022 EnactedFY 2023 EnactedFY 2024 ProposedFY 2024 NAHROFY 2024 HouseFY 2024 SenateFY 2024 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund$5,036$5,109$5,113$5,407$5,103$5,530$5,476
Public Housing Operating Fund Shortfall$25$25$50$346$25$35$25
Public Housing Capital Fund$3,200$3,200$3,225$5,000$3,180$3,200$3,200
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency$35$35$35$35$35$42.5$40
Emergency Capital Needs$75$50$40$135$40$30$30
Jobs Plus Initiative$15$15$15$20$15$15$15
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$350$350$185$500$150$75
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals$24,095$26,402$27,840$27,840$27,375$27,766$28,491
Administrative Fees$2,411$2,778$3,202$3,202$2,734$2,781$2,771
Incremental Voucher Assistance1$200$50$565$565
Mobility Related Services$25$25$25
Tenant Protection Vouchers$100$337$385$500$337$445$337
HUD-VASH Tribal$5$8$5$5$8$8
FUP Vouchers$30$304$30$30
Section 811 Mainstream Vouchers2$459$607$686$686$686$686$743
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$109$125$175$200$125$141$141
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$13,940$14,907$15,904$15,904$15,820$15,790$16,010
Community Development Block Grant$3,300$3,300$3,300$4,200$3,300$3,300$3,300
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,500$1,500$1,800$2,500$500$1,500$1,250
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$450$499$505$505$505$505$505
Homeless Assistance Grants$3,213$3,633$3,749$3,833$3,729$3,908$4,051


  1. This account includes new special-purpose vouchers
  2. The account includes administrative fees for these vouchers
  3. The President’s budget includes $13 billion in mandatory spending for veterans with extremely low incomes
  4. The President’s budget includes $9 billion in mandatory spending for youth aging out of foster care

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2024 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2024 Enacted Budget

FY 2024 Senate Appropriations Bill

FY 2024 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2024 President’s Proposed Budget

FY 2023 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs ($ Millions)FY 2021 EnactedFY 2022 EnactedFY 2023 ProposedFY 2023 NAHROFY 2023 HouseFY 2023 SenateFY 2023 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund$4,839$5,039$5,035$5,3841$5,039$5,039$5,109
Public Housing Capital Fund$2,765$3,200$3,200$5,000$3,400$3,225$3,200
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency$35$35$35$35$35$35$35
Emergency Capital Needs$75$75$40$75$65$50$50
Jobs Plus Pilot$15$15$20$20$15$15$15
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$200$350$250$500$450$250$350
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals[$23,080][$24,095][$26,234][$26,234][$26,184][$26,184][$26,402]
Administrative Fees[$2,159][$2,411][$3,014][$3,046]2[$2,757][$2,802][$2,778]
Incremental Voucher Assistance$113$200$1,550$1,550$1,100$50$50
Mobility Related Services$25$445$445$25
Tenant Protection Vouchers[$116][$100][$220][$364][$230][$364][$337]
HUD-VASH Tribal[$5][$5][$5][$5][$5][$8]
FUP Vouchers[$25][$30][$30][$30][$30]
Section 811 Mainstream Vouchers[$314][$459][$667][$667][$667][$667][$607]
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$105$109$120$200$125$150$125
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$13,465$13,940$15,000$15,000$14,940$14,687$14,907
Community Development Block Grant$3,475$3,300$3,745$4,200$3,300$3,525$3,300
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,350$1,500$1,950$2,500$1,675$1,725$1,500
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$430$450$455$460$600$468$499
Homeless Assistance Grants$3,000$3,213$3,576$3,800$3,604$3,545$3,633


  1. HUD’s formula uses an unrealistic inflation factor and is based on rents charged, not collected. PHAs have been unable to collect rents at pre-COVID levels impacting their ability to operate. HUD also determined that there is an existing $345 million in Operating Fund shortfall which was not funded in FY22.
  2. This amount includes administrative fees for renewal vouchers and administrative fees for recommended incremental vouchers.

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2023 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2023 Enacted Budget

FY 2023 Senate Appropriations Bill

FY 2023 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2023 President’s Proposed Budget

FY 2022 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs ($ Millions)FY 2020 EnactedFY 2021 EnactedFY 2022 ProposedFY 2022 NAHROFY 2022 HouseFY 2022 SenateFY 2022 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund1$4,549$4,839$4,887$5,144$4,897$5,019$5,039
Public Housing Capital Fund1$2,870$2,765$3,200$5,000$3,400$3,616$3,200
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency$35$35$35$50$35$35$35
Emergency Capital Needs[$65][$75][$40][$75][$65][$75][$75]
Jobs Plus Pilot$15$15$20$20$15$15$15
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$175$200$250$500$400$200$350
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals[$21,502][$23,080][$25,001][$25,001][$24,951][$24,527][$24,095]
Administrative Fees[$1,977][$2,159][$2,790][$2,790][$2,470][$2,474][$2,411]
Incremental Voucher Assistance2$113$1,552$1,552$1,000$59$200
Mobility Related Services$491$491$150$16$25
Tenant Protection Vouchers[$75[$116][$100][$150][$100][$100][$100]
HUD-VASH Tribal[$1][$5]3[$5][$5]4[$5]
FUP Vouchers[$25]5[$25]5[$25][$30][$30]
Section 811 Mainstream Vouchers6[$229][$314][$508][$508][$500][$463][$459]
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$80$105$120$200$150$120$109
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$12,570$13,465$14,060$14,060$14,010$13,970$13,940
Community Development Block Grant$3,425$3,475$3,770$4,200$3,700$3,550$3,300
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,350$1,350$1,850$1,850$1,850$1,450$1,500
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$410$430$450$450$600$450$450
Homeless Assistance Grants$2,777$3,000$3,500$3,500$3,420$3,260$3,213


  1. Part of the Public Housing Fund.
  2. Includes new incremental voucher assistance for FUP vouchers, HUD-VASH vouchers, HUD-VASH tribal, and Homeless Assistance vouchers.
  3. Includes renewal funding, administrative fees, and new vouchers.
  4. Funding is “up to” $5 million and is being taken out of renewals and not a separate number.
  5. $5 million for family unification and $20 million for youth aging out of foster care.
  6. Includes funding for administrative fees.

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2022 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2022 Enacted Budget

FY 2022 Senate Appropriations Bill

FY 2022 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2022 President’s Proposed Budget

FY 2021 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs ($ Millions)FY 2019 EnactedFY 2020 EnactedFY 2021 ProposedFY 2021 NAHROFY 2021 HouseFY 2021 SenateFY 2021 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund$4,653$4,549$4,328$4,659$4,649$4,492$4,839
Public Housing Capital Fund$2,775$2,870$0$5,000$3,180$2,765$2,765
Competitive Lead-Based Paint Grants[$25][$45][$35][$25][$25][$25]
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency[$35]$350$50$35$35$35
Emergency Capital Needs[$30][$65][$10][$65][$74.65][$75][$75]
Jobs Plus Pilot$15$15$100$100$15$15$15
PH Financial and Physical Assessment Activities[$14][$14][$23][$23][$23][$23][$23]
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)$100$100$0$0$0
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$150$175$0$300$250$100$200
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals[$20,313][$21,502][$21,131][$22,779][$22,852][$22,891][$23,080]
Administrative Fees[$1,886][$1,977][$1,815][$2,550][$2,125][$2,130][$2,159]
Tenant Protection Vouchers[$85][$75][$100][$130][$125][$100][$116]
HUD-VASH Tribal[$4][$1][$4][$4][$3][$4][$5]
FUP Vouchers[$20][$25][$0][$40][$25][$25][$25]
Mobility Demonstration[$25][$25][$0][$50][$0][$0][$0]
Section 811 Mainstream Vouchers[$229][$310]Fully Fund[$310][$237][$314]
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$80$80$90$150$105$105$105
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$11,747$12,570$12,642$13,400$13,451$13,403$13,465
Native American Programs$755$825$600$955$835$825$825
Community Development Block Grant$3,300$3,425$0$3,800$3,525$3,455$3,475
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,250$1,350$0$1,500$1,700$1,375$1,350
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$393$410$330$430$430$410$430
Homeless Assistance Grants$2,636$2,777$2,773$3,100$3,415$2,951$3,000

Some accounts reflect rounding. [Brackets] signify sub-accounts.

Unlike the President’s proposed budget, MTW funding has been integrated with other accounts.

HUD-VASH Tribal funding includes renewal funding, administrative fees, and new vouchers.

The Mainstream voucher recommendation is to fully fund the vouchers currently being utilized with full accompanying administrative fees. The Department has additional funds in its accounts for new vouchers, which remain unused. Includes administrative fees with renewal funding.

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2021 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2021 Enacted Budget

FY 2021 Senate Appropriations Bill

FY 2021 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2021 President’s Proposed Budget

FY 2020 Appropriations Cycle

Discretionary Programs ($ Millions)FY 2018 EnactedFY 2019 EnactedFY 2020 ProposedFY 2020 NAHROFY 2020 HouseFY 2020 SenateFY 2020 Enacted
Public Housing Operating Fund$4,550$4,653$2,863$5,400$4,753$4,650$4,549
Public Housing Capital Fund$2,750$2,775$5,000$2,855$2,855$2,870
Competitive Lead-Based Paint Grants[$25][$25][$40][$45]
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency[$35][$35]$35$35$35$35
Emergency Capital Needs[$21.5][$30][$10]$22$30[$50][$65]
Jobs Plus Pilot[$15][$15][$15]$15$15$15$15
PH Financial and Physical Assessment Activities[$8.3][$14]$10$28[$14][$14]
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)$100$100
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$150$150$150$300$300$100$175
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance$22,015$22,598$22,243Fully Fund$23,810$23,833$23,874
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals[$19,600][$20,313][$20,116]$21,200[$21,400][$21,502][$21,502]
Ongoing Administrative Fees[$1,730][$1,856][$1,718]$2,470[$1,895][$1,957][$1,947]
Special and Ongoing Administrative Fees[$30][$30][$20]$30[$30][$20][$30]
Tenant Protection Vouchers[$85][$85][$130]$130[$150][$75][$75]
Incremental Vouchers[$65][$64]$50[$85][$41][$66]
Mobility Demonstration[$25][$25]
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)$75$80$75$110$100$80$80
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$11,515$11,747$12,021$12,100$12,590$12,560$12,570
Community Development Block Grant$3,300$3,300$3,800$3,600$3,300$3,425
HOME Investment Partnerships Program$1,362$1,250$1,500$1,750$1,250$1,350
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS$375$393$330$410$410$330$410
Homeless Assistance Grants$2,513$2,636$2,599$3,000$2,800$2,761$2,777

The “incremental” vouchers category includes all incremental vouchers (HUD-VASH, Family Unification Program, etc.). See full coverage below for additional details.

The FY 2018 enacted budget’s incremental vouchers category includes $40 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers, $20 million for new FUP vouchers, and $5 million for HUD-VASH tribal renewals.

The FY 2019 enacted budget’s incremental vouchers category includes $40 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers, $20 million for new FUP vouchers, and $4 million for HUD-VASH tribal renewals.

The FY 2020 NAHRO recommendation’s incremental vouchers category includes $45 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers, and $5 million for HUD-VASH tribal renewals.

NAHRO’s Coverage of the FY 2020 Appropriations Cycle

FY 2020 Enacted Budget

FY 2020 Senate Appropriations Bill

FY 2020 House Appropriations Bill

FY 2020 President’s Proposed Budget