
Acting Secretary Todman to Testify on Biden’s FY25 HUD Budget

This week, Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman will appear before Congress to explain President Biden’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 HUD budget. The Acting Secretary will visit the Senate Transportation-HUD  Appropriations Subcommittee first on Tuesday, April 30 then the House T-HUD Subcommittee on Wednesday, May 1. Budget hearings are a key part of the appropriations process, as committee members will have the opportunity to engage with the Acting Secretary about the President’s funding priorities for the new fiscal year before the House releases its own proposed HUD budget.

For Acting Secretary Todman, this will be her first solo appearance before the House and Senate Appropriations Committees as Acting HUD Secretary. NAHRO Legislator of the Year Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) has moved from House T-HUD Chair to serve as Chair of the full Appropriations Committee. When he was T-HUD Chair, Rep. Cole was known for maintaining a collegial environment among Republican and Democrat appropriators and was instrumental in getting FY 24 funding over the finish line. Congressman Steve Womack (R-AR) will now assume the role of House T-HUD Subcommittee Chair. We expect that Republicans on both the House and Senate T-HUD Subcommittees to raise concerns about elevated spending in the President’s proposal. Democrats on the committees will likely look to praise existing policies, criticize the Republican’s conservative proposals, and ultimately defend the President’s request.

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