NAHRO Names Rep. Tom Cole Legislator of the Year

Washington, D.C. — On Tuesday, April 9, the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) named Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK4) one of its Legislators of the Year. The annual award is given to members of Congress who are strong advocates for housing and community development programs and for the NAHRO members who administer them.
“We’re grateful for Representative Cole’s leadership of the House Appropriations Transportation-HUD Subcommittee,” said NAHRO CEO Mark Thiele. “He’s worked to find bipartisan ground to pass responsible funding for the affordable housing and community development programs that our nation’s families, seniors, veterans and persons with disabilities rely on. It’s an honor to present him with our Legislator of the Year award.”
“As Chairman of the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, I have made preserving housing assistance for our nation’s most vulnerable, like the disabled, seniors, and veterans, a priority of mine. These groups truly rely on these programs, and I am proud to have fought for and secured them in this year’s THUD appropriations bill,” said Congressman Cole. “I am truly honored to be awarded the Legislator of the Year award, and I want to say thank you to the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for all of the important work that they do to better the quality of life for so many.”
Since 2009, Rep. Cole has served on the House Appropriations Committee, and currently chairs the Transportation-HUD Subcommittee. Rep. Cole embodies the spirit of bipartisanship and was instrumental in securing historic gains in funding to support Tribal communities in Oklahoma and beyond. He is also Co-Chair of the Congressional Native American Caucus, and an enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation.
NAHRO, which was established in 1933, is a membership organization of more than 26,000 housing and community development providers and professionals throughout the United States. NAHRO members create and manage affordable housing for low- and middle-income families, and support vibrant communities that enhance the quality of life for all. They administer more than 3 million homes for more than 8 million people.