NAHRO Training Cancellation Policy
Online Training Cancellation
For a full refund to be issued, the registrant must provide a written request for cancellation at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of the start date of the training. If the registrant provides a written request for cancellation less than seven (7) calendar days before the start of the training, a credit of the amount paid will be provided to their account. All credits will be removed from accounts by December 31 of each calendar year.
No shows will not be eligible for a refund or credit. Once the training has begun, refund and credit requests will not be honored.
In addition, it is the responsibility of the attendee to confirm system requirements and test their devices and internet connection prior to the start of the online session. Should a technical failure occur at the attendee’s workplace or home that prohibits access to the session, a request for a refund may not be honored. Unfortunately, NAHRO does not record their online trainings and will be unable to provide a recording of any missed sessions. If a technical failure results as the fault of NAHRO and the session is canceled or rescheduled as a result, full credit will be provided, or a full refund will be issued upon request.
To cancel: send an email to
If you have questions regarding the online registration process or NAHRO’s payment policy, please contact us at
Online Transfers
In lieu of cancellation, registrants can transfer their registration to a different offering of the same training. Participants may only transfer their registration one (1) time – additional requests may not be honored. If a participant transfers their registration, they forfeit any right to a refund or credit.
No shows will not be eligible for transfer to another training offering. Once the training has begun, transfer requests will not be honored.
To request a transfer to another date: send an email to with your current registration information as well as the new dates of the training you would like to be transferred to.
Live (In-Person) Training Cancellation
For a full refund to be issued, the registrant must provide a written request for cancellation at least 20 calendar days in advance of the start date of the session. Credits or refunds will not be offered to those who cancel with less than 20 calendar days’ notice to NAHRO. No shows are not eligible for refunds or credit.
We make every effort to ensure that our training sessions continue as planned, however, from time to time we may have to cancel a session. In the event that NAHRO cancels a training, we will issue a full refund for the registration fee and training materials purchased. Please note: NAHRO is not responsible for airfare, lodging, or other travel related expenses. NAHRO reserves the right to reassign faculty or cancel a session at any time.
To cancel: send an email to and reference your Order Number. No shows will not be eligible for a refund.
NAHRO Emerging L.E.A.D.ership Program
The NAHRO Emerging L.E.A.D.ership program has very limited availability for the 2025 Cohort. As a result, individuals should review the schedule in detail and confirm their ability to fully participate before registering.
To receive full credit for completing the program and to graduate, individuals are required to complete all six (6) training sessions between March 13, 2025 to September 27, 2025.
There will be no makeup sessions scheduled for in-person training. All virtual training sessions will be recorded. However, participants must attend two (2) of the four (4) virtual sessions live to receive full credit.
For a refund to be issued, the registrant must provide a written notice of cancellation at least 30 days before the program begins. To cancel, please send an email to and reference your Order Number.
Refund requests are subject to a cancellation fee equal to 25% percent of the registration fee. No refund requests will be honored after the program begins. No shows to either the in-person sessions or virtual sessions will not be subject to a refund.
Exams are non-refundable.