Certification & Training

HCV Portability


Does your agency know all the ins and outs of portability? Portability in the HCV program refers to the process through which a family can transfer, or port, their rental subsidy to another housing agency. This class will review the various standards that must be met in order for a family to seek portability, and how both the initial housing agency and the receiving agency handle the transfer of assistance.


After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the roles of both the initial housing agency and the receiving housing agency
  • Process the HUD 50058 and HUD 52665 forms
  • Trade and process payments for both port-ins and port-outs
  • Understand the special processes of portability under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Reasonable Accommodation, Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS), Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), and more
  • Know when to deny portability
Virtual Classroom6 Hours0.7